Jeremiah 29:13 NCV "When you search for me with all your heart, you will find me!"

With our love, your prayers, and GOD's many blessings we will travel to Russia to bring our baby home and make our family complete.

Monday, September 21, 2009

News!....Maybe not what you were expecting though.

We finally have some news to post, but not exactly what some may be expecting. We found out about 6 weeks ago that we are pregnant. We have waited some time to make this post because we needed to adjust to the idea and make sure the pregnancy was progressing as it should. We have had two doctors visits and both went well. We have had two ultrasounds and in both we could see the baby's heartbeat. What a blessing! We are 10 weeks along and due on April 20th.

We are very thankful for this blessing from God. We have prayed for a family for many years, and in God's timing He did provide.

Many have asked questions regarding the adoption. We truly want to finish the adoption. However at this time, we are not real sure how this will happen. Our hope is that we can just simply put it on temporary hold and resume it after the baby is born. We would finish it now if possible. Couldn't you imagine going from no children, to one newborn and one who speaks Russian. I hope to know soon where our adoption will stand and I will update once again.

Please continue to pray for us, our baby and our adoption. We still feel God has a child for us to adopt, he/she just may not be ready for us yet. Continue to pray for all the orphans waiting for families.