Jeremiah 29:13 NCV "When you search for me with all your heart, you will find me!"

With our love, your prayers, and GOD's many blessings we will travel to Russia to bring our baby home and make our family complete.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Little Blessings

Our family as received a little blessing from God. Nathan was born April 14th and is doing well.
Please follow our new site to see him grow.

Monday, September 21, 2009

News!....Maybe not what you were expecting though.

We finally have some news to post, but not exactly what some may be expecting. We found out about 6 weeks ago that we are pregnant. We have waited some time to make this post because we needed to adjust to the idea and make sure the pregnancy was progressing as it should. We have had two doctors visits and both went well. We have had two ultrasounds and in both we could see the baby's heartbeat. What a blessing! We are 10 weeks along and due on April 20th.

We are very thankful for this blessing from God. We have prayed for a family for many years, and in God's timing He did provide.

Many have asked questions regarding the adoption. We truly want to finish the adoption. However at this time, we are not real sure how this will happen. Our hope is that we can just simply put it on temporary hold and resume it after the baby is born. We would finish it now if possible. Couldn't you imagine going from no children, to one newborn and one who speaks Russian. I hope to know soon where our adoption will stand and I will update once again.

Please continue to pray for us, our baby and our adoption. We still feel God has a child for us to adopt, he/she just may not be ready for us yet. Continue to pray for all the orphans waiting for families.

Monday, August 17, 2009

7 Months of Waiting

Well, not much to tell this month. I am a few days behind posting the official 7 Months of waiting post.

I do have a side note, not about us, but instead my niece.

Kerri, had a beautiful baby girl today!!!! So I will dedicate this month of waiting to her. Welcome to the family Piper!!! She is 9 lbs and 20 inches long. Piper and her mom and dad are doing great. May God Bless this new family!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Here are few pictures from our vacation at Gulf Shores. I hope by this time next year there will be a little one in all these pictures. It is so much fun to watch all the kids flying kites and building sand castles.

Monday, July 27, 2009

A thought & prayer request

A little something on my mind and heart.

I have been reading a book by Karen Kingsbury, Between Sundays. The basic story line is of one particular foster child and his reuniting with his father. One clear message from the book is, our life is defned by not only what we do on Sundays, but what we do between Sudays. There is much more to the book, one I recommend anyone, needing a little inspiration, to read.

There is part I would like to share. The characters are unimportant for the part I want to share, but it something that is very thought provoking. Kingsbury wrote, "Sometimes God gives us hard things,"..............."Because He loves us enough to help us grow up."

These lines caught me, made me pause in my reading and think. Most us of have had some kind of hard thing. If we walk by faith and trust in God we can use the "hard things" and grow. Growing up doesn't always mean getting older, but sometimes it means some thing much deeper. "Growing up" can mean something different in each or our lives.

By having faith in God, I know that God is using the "waiting" to help us grow. This knowledge doesn't make it any less hard, but I accept that He loves us and has a plan.

This book really has touched me and leads me to this prayer request. There are many children all around us without a mom, dad or maybe even without both. These children are either in orphanages, in foster homes, or on the streets. Please pray that God may open the doors for these children to find Forever Families and for their safety. Pray for the foster children who are never adopted and age out of the system at 18. These kids are often released with no real place to go except the streets. These kids need our prayers.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

6 Months Today

Oh, how I wish we had something to tell. We are still waiting for our referral. As I have explained before this wait may take some time, but lets focus on the good. We have 6 months behind us. Some days it seems the 6 months have dragged along, but on the other days it doesn't seem like it has been that long.

This time last year we were scrambling around getting ready for our home study. We or maybe it was"I" was very nervous. I mean the thought of someone I didn't know coming into my home to judge me, our home and the thought of "could we really fail the home study" was a bit overwhelming. Looking back now I can see it was really not bad and actually a good experience. Our home was fine and we learned some things about ourselves in the process.

Please continue to pray for our child and all the children of Russia orphanages. These children need our prayers daily. Many of the children are being placed in foster care, just to be taken back out. Each time this happens it further delays that child from being matched with a forever family. I pray that this is not the case with our baby, but if it is, I pray for their safety and that someone is a least giving them hugs daily. I know the last part sounds silly, but after the recent departure of my niece who gave us many hugs & kisses before saying "goodbye," I can't imagine our baby not getting a hug and "I love you" each day. We live for the day we can hold our little one and say "You are home, and We love you!"

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Wait Continues...Month 5

So what can I say?......... We are still waiting.

I am sure that most of you have waited for something in your lifetime. Maybe it was for a blessed event such as wedding, birth of a baby, or a graduation. Maybe it was a dreaded event, an event you didn't want to happen but never the less you knew it was coming. Imagine for a moment that you were expecting one of those events to happen, but you had no idea when or if it would truly happen. Add to that scenario, that some person you didn't know, in a foreign country held your papers, your future, your fate for that event in their hands.

Well that is how waiting feels for us some days. We know, God has a plan for us and the perfect child is out there for us, however some days knowing all this just does not help the waiting.

We long to see and hold our baby. To nurture and love them.

I came along this verse today and it offered me some comfort.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present you requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3: 6-7

It is hard not to be anxious while waiting, but we present our request for a child to our God and trust that He will guard our hearts.