Jeremiah 29:13 NCV "When you search for me with all your heart, you will find me!"

With our love, your prayers, and GOD's many blessings we will travel to Russia to bring our baby home and make our family complete.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Delays Already

Well, a little bad new just came in as I have been working to put this blog together. ( oh, yeah I don't recommend using dial-up while working on a blog.)
I just recieved an email from the Agency. It looks like the referral process has become longer than the 4 wks to 4 months we were told. It looks to be at least 6 months but possiblely longer. There were a couple of stated reasons. 1) Russia is trying to place more children domestically. 2) The result of the Harrison Russian Adoption case. 3) A change in the paper process.

The Good News is we were already was preparing ourself for longer than 4 months.

Just please pray that God will continue to keep our baby safe until we can get there.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea! It will be especially heartwarming to one day share this with your child. He/She will really get to read how committed you were to have he/she, and just how much love you have. Then to read other's comments and know they he/she was being prayed for daily before we even met, and that other's were just as excited about this are you and Ashley. Tony & BJ
