Jeremiah 29:13 NCV "When you search for me with all your heart, you will find me!"

With our love, your prayers, and GOD's many blessings we will travel to Russia to bring our baby home and make our family complete.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Is time going by fast or standing still?

It is amazing how fast time goes by, but yet at the same time it seems to stand still. Just yesterday I realized we were at the end of the month. We have almost 4 months behind us in our waiting. Wow, time goes by fast, right? Well, it does seem that time goes by fast, but it still seems we have a life time of waiting ahead of us and time is standing still.

We are currently awaiting our home study to be updated which includes having our background checks and child abuse registry clearance updated. I pray this process will not take to long.

I guess I don't have to tell you, but I will. I can't wait to know if our baby will be a boy or girl, how old will he/she be, what color hair he/she will have, and will they love us immediately or will it take a while. To those of you with all those 4D ultrasounds, I am jealous. Your babies haven't been born but you get to see your baby's facial features. I am excited for each! Cherish those ultrasounds. Keep praying for us, our baby, and that God will bring us together soon.

One other prayer request... A friend of mine has a little girl with Muscular Atrophy. They will be traveling to China in July for Stem Cell Treatments. Please remember little Rayanna and her mom in your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. HI! I tried to comment on your blog a while ago after I got your comment on ours...

    I would LOVE to talk to you about our process and NN in general if you would like. Please feel free to email me at

