Jeremiah 29:13 NCV "When you search for me with all your heart, you will find me!"

With our love, your prayers, and GOD's many blessings we will travel to Russia to bring our baby home and make our family complete.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Answered Prayers

Finally after another day of waiting for a update on Friday's events, we have news. GOOD News.
First: The State Duma in Russia has not moved forward on the moratorium and does not plan to at this time. The discussion never made it to the legislature in Russia. YEAH!!

Second: The Home Study Agency issue, should not affect our case. Our home study was accepted and registered prior to Jan 30. As it stands now, if home studies were accepted prior to Jan 30 there should not be a problem. We will, however, continue monitoring to make sure our agency gets their name removed.

Third: There are families who are receiving referrals and traveling to bring home their children. This is a positive sign. ........ Just think, the more families that get referrals, the sooner we will move up on the list.

Thank you for all your prayer this week. Prayer is powerful, as this update shows. Continue to pray that God will watch over the baby he has chosen for us and will provide our baby with loving caretakers until we can get there.

Interesting side note: Ashley's brother joked with us and called our baby Vladimir. Tuesday while at the Christian book store I looked a name book that gives meaning of names and a scripture with the name. As I picked the book up, it opened straight to "V".......Vladimir. Guess what the scripture was..... Jeremiah 29:13 NCV "When you search for me with all your heart, you will find me!"

You may no think anything of that, but it spoke loudly to me. And my prayer is that somehow our baby will rest easy knowing we are searching for him/her. So maybe it was coincidence, but may be Vladimir is nestled somewhere deep in Russia waiting on us to find him.


  1. Yea!! so glad you have good news! I know you must be so encouraged! We're still praying.

  2. Ashley,

    There are no coincidences in this journey. Hang on to anything that keeps you motivated and looking ahead with hope. Praising God for these positive updates!!


  3. My bad, I meant to say "Ashley and Amy"

  4. Hey guys!

    Glad to hear you are getting good news! I hope you do not have to wait much longer before you are holding your precious child in your arms!! Much love, Karla

  5. I couldn't help but laugh thinking of Alan the prophet! Glad things are starting to go your way. I will continue to keep yall in my prayers.

    Will Patrick
